Stahlo Digitale Applikationen

Digital applications with added value

“Social-Objects” as a brand extension for companies using the example of the Steel Service Center Stahlo.

Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff

„Stahl steht am Beginn einer Vielzahl von industriellen Wertschöpfungsketten. Die Transformation der Stahlindustrie ist daher die Voraussetzung für eine Dekarbonisierung der gesamten Prozesskette.“ 

Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff, Präsident und Hauptgeschäftsführer der Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl sowie Vorsitzender des Stahlinstituts VDEh a.D.


Pro Jahr werden in der Stahlindustrie circa 55 Millionen Tonnen CO2 emittiert. Das entspricht rund 28 Prozent der gesamten Industrieemissionen Deutschlands.*

Stahlo sollte in der Öffentlichkeit als „Trusted Hub of the steel market“ und als werksunabhängiges Stahl-Service-Center mit Führungsanspruch als “Green Steel Provider” bekannt werden.


A unique selling proposition, values, mission and vision are crucial for corporate communication. In view of challenges such as climate protection targets, social networks, artificial intelligence and global developments, they need to be reinforced by special measures. This is where the dynamic positioning of 'brand extension' comes into play: it paves the way for an authentic communication strategy that goes far beyond the brand essence. A strategic path is developed with innovative applications, the so-called Social-Objects. This strategy brings the communication of the steel industry and the central topic of climate change directly into the hearts and minds of people through convincing applications.


Radiance for the industry. In collaboration with Stahlo, three social objects were developed that build on one another and not only ensure greater transparency in the steel industry, but also initiate pioneering communication. These innovative tools set new standards and inspire the entire industry to be more open and engage in dialog.



Social-Object 1

Classification label

The first social object is a digital application that displays the CO2 footprint of steel coils. 



Social-Object  2

Steel Gate

The second Social-Object presents a blockchain-based platform for the transparency of the entire steel supply chain.



Social-Object 3

Stahlo Steelcompass

The third Social-Object, the Digital Material Passport (DMP), is a blockchain-based, tamper-proof certificate: it was developed as part of the Stahlo Steel Compass, which helps customers to “green” their steel portfolio.



With the innovative Social-Objects for Stahlo, mapmovingstory won the German Brand Award in 2024 in the categories “Brand Strategy - B2B” and “Lighthouse Project of the Year” for the groundbreaking topic “Green Steel & Transparency in the Steel Industry”.


German Brand Award Website here




Eine Open-Source-Blockchain und ein wissenschaftsbasierter Rahmen für die Kohlenstoffbilanzierung in der Stahlindustrie.

YouTube Video 



All of these measures increased the discussion about Stahlo and the necessary, practicable transparency in the steel industry. Stahlo is positively associated by customers with the goal of transparency in the steel business and is recommended as an opinion leader on the subject.

Stahlo connects people, resources and technologies! This proves that the company has become a trustworthy partner and independent expert in this field.


Mapping Services

Corporate Branding, Brand-Extension

Moving Instruments


Business Canvas

Positioning & Values Compass

Social - Objects 

Stories & Results

Brand extension

Opinion leader on the topic of green steel

New corporate identity  

Successful positioning & communication on the market  

High level of attention from stakeholders and media

Re-branded multi-channel appearance such as website, company brochures, social media and trade fair

Content production of photo, film, infographics


Positioning story here